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Distúrb. comun ; 21(2): 239-249, ago. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417750


O presente artigo descreve um projeto de investigação-ação que visou analisar a viabilidade de implementação de um serviço de terapia da fala numa unidade hospitalar. Foi selecionada uma unidade hospitalar onde não existiam serviços de terapia da fala e investigou-se a necessidade e viabilidade de criação de tal serviço nessa unidade. Procedeu-se à coleta de dados de estrutura e de opinião através de entrevista. Os dados de estrutura foram recolhidos junto da administração da entidade; os dados de opinião foram recolhidos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a duas populações: Médicos e Usuários. Foram entrevistados 9 Médicos dos serviços de Otorrinolaringologia, Pediatria, Neurologia e Medicina Interna e 31 usuários dos mesmos serviços. A necessidade da existência de um serviço de terapia da fala nessa unidade hospitalar foi confirmada com a análise dos resultados obtidos e a viabilidade da implementação é favorável. O serviço foi iniciado no ano de 2007.

This article describes an action research project aimed at analyzing the feasibility of implementing a Speech Language Therapy (SLT) service in a hospital. After selection of a hospital unit with no SLT services, needs and feasibility were analyzed in order to identify the opportunity for implementing such a service in the unit. Nine medical doctors and 31 users of a hospital unit were interviewed in order to assess the needs of speech-language therapy service. Data was also collected at the hospital's administration services which help characterize the population using the hospital unit. The feasibility of implementation was assessed through the use of two organizational analysis: the FMEA analysis and the SWOT analysis. Interview results indicate that there is a need for a SLT service in the hospital, and the organizational analysis shows that the project is feasible. Such results support the decision to implement a speech-language therapy service, and a marketing mix strategy was used to help characterize the suggested service structure. SLT services started in 2007.

El actual artículo describe un proyecto que tuvo como objetivo analizar la viabilidad de la puesta en práctica de un servicio de terapia del habla en una unidad hospitalaria. Fue selecionada una unidad hospitalar en la que no existian servicios de terapia del habla y se investigó la necesidad y posibilidad de crear tal servicio en esa unidad. Se hizo una colecta de datos de estructura y de opinión. Los datos de se recogieron junto a la administración de la entidad; los datos de opinión se recogieron por médio de entrevistas semi-estructuradas con dos poblaciones: Médicos y Usuarios. Fueron entrevistados 9 Médicos de los servicios de Otorrinolaringología, Pediatría, Neurología y Medicina Interna, y 31 Usuarios de los mismos servicios. La necesidad de existencia de un servicio de terapia del habla en esa unidad hospitalaria fue confirmada con el análisis de los resultados obtenidos, y la viabilidad de la puesta en práctica es favorable. El servicio se inició en 2007.

Speech Therapy/organization & administration , Hospital Care , Portugal , Feasibility Studies , Health Human Resource Evaluation , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 37(4)oct.-dic. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-547119


INTRODUCCIÓN: La farmacovigilancia es la disciplina científica imprescindible para afrontar los problemas que plantea un arsenal de medicamentos que no deja de crecer en variedad y potencia. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar las sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos en Servicios de Terapia del Instituto Superior de Medicina Militar Dr. Luis Díaz Soto. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo que incluyó todos los pacientes ingresados durante un mes, que fueron monitorizados diariamente mediante interrogatorios farmacológicos, pases de visita y revisión de Historias Clínicas. RESULTADOS: De 206 pacientes, 21 presentaron sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos (10,2 por ciento); la Unidad de Cuidados Especiales del Cuerpo de Guardia y la Terapia Intermedia de Cirugía resultaron los de mayores porcentajes (15,0 y 11,7 por ciento por ciento). Las manifestaciones clínicas mßs frecuentes se relacionaron con el rash cutáneo, cefalea y náuseas (12,5 por ciento). Predominaron los pacientes de 60 años y más (47,6 por ciento) y del sexo femenino (71,4 por ciento). Los antimicrobianos fueron los más reportados con 33,3 por ciento, seguidos de los analgésicos, antipiréticos y antiinflamatorios (23,8 por ciento). Existió un predominio de las sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos del sistema nervioso central y periférico (28,1 por ciento), seguidos del sistema gastrointestinal (25,0 por ciento) y de piel (21,8 por ciento). Prevalecieron las sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos de severidad moderada (52,3 por ciento), y al analizar la relación medicamentos-sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos se obtuvo una superioridad de las probables (52,3 por ciento). CONCLUSIONES: La aparición de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos en los Servicios de Terapia es considerable. Los antimicrobianos aportaron el mayor porcentaje de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos. El sistema...

INTRODUCTION: Pharmacosurveillance is the indispensable scientific discipline to face the problems of a group of drugs increasingly growing in variety and potency. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the suspicions of adverse reactions to drugs in the Therapy Service of Dr.Luís Díaz Soto Higher Institute of Military Medicine. METHODS: We made a prospective and descriptive study including all patients admitted during a month that were daily monitored by means of pharmacological questionnaries, medical rounds, and review of medical histories. RESULTS: Of 206 patients, 21 had suspicions of adverse reactions to drugs (10.2 percent). The Special Care Unit (SCU) of the Emergency Department, and the Surgery Intermediate Therapy Unit showed the greatest percentages (15.0 and 11.7 percent). The most frequent clinical manifestations were related to skin rash, headache, and nausea (12.5 percent). There was a predominance of patients aged 60 and over (47.6 percent) and of females (71.4 percent). The antimicrobial agents were the most reported with a 33.3 percent, followed by analgesics, antipyretics, and anti-inflammatory agents (23.8 percent). It was observed a prevalence of suspicions of adverse reactions to drugs of the central and peripheral nervous system (28.1 percent), followed by the gastrointestinal system (25.0 percent), and skin (21.8 percent). The suspicions of adverse reactions of moderate severity to drugs prevailed (52.3 percent). On analyzing the drugs/suspicions of adverse drug reactions ratio, we found a superiority of the probable ones (52.3 percent). CONCLUSIONS: The appearance of suspicions of adverse reactions to drugs in the Therapy Service is significant. The antimicrobial agents presented the highest percentage of suspicions of adverse reactions to drugs. The central and peripheral nervous system was the most affected, and the suspicions of moderate adverse reactions to drugs were greater, with a predominance of those...

Humans , Male , Female , Intensive Care Units , Pharmaceutical Preparations/adverse effects , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies